The Mixed Six Podcast

Board games. Beer. Pop culture. And a little drunken philosophy.

Episode 3: Alcoholic Trust Fall

Howdy! Episode 3 is our first episode on the new Patreon model. We’ll keep dropping free, five-beer episodes here, but if you want that heady sixth beer stuff, stop by our Patreon and donate at the Last Call level. We’d really appreciate it. If you have questions, hit us up at or @themixedsix on Twitter.

  1. Holiday Cheer by Shiner: In Ready Player Drunk, we talk about the unique tragedy of being trapped in a videogame Skinner Box from which you don’t which to escape.
  2. Pineapple Sculpin by Ballast Point: In Binge Binger, Caleb and Spence compare notes on fantastic shows that outshine their silly premises.
  3. Victory at Sea by Ballast Point: We Dissect the Fun of Mice and Mystics, a superb game in the fine tradition of tricking your friends into playing an RPG.
  4. Blackberry Gose by O’dell Brewing: In COM Corner, we make sure Spencer’s PhD doesn’t go to waste by talking about the five geek social fallacies.
  5. The Cowboy by Evil Twin Brewing: In this week’s Armchair Director, we fight like men over our top 3 romantic comedies.

Behind the Paywall

6. Myer Lemons Lager by Anchor Brewing: Finally Drunk Enough, we debate the role of the public library in 21st century society.

Episode 2: S’mores Rage

Welcome to episode 2! Be sure to check us out on Patreon. This is the last preview episode before we start dropping extra content on our beloved patrons.

  • Oatmeal Stout by Free State Brewing Company AND El Gose by Avery: In this week’s Dissecting Our Fun, Spence and Caleb talk about Cargo Noir and the importance of accessibility in games.
  • Aunt Sally by Lagunitas: The Armchair Directors compare notes on their bottom 5 superhero films and argue about what it truly means to suck.
  • Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout by Rogue Brewing: In Nerdsplainer, Caleb sees how many disbelieving guffaws he can provoke from Spence by explaining the evolution of SpeedRunning.
  • Tell-Tale Tart by Boulevard Brewing Company: In Binge Binger, the crew talks about shows they were forced to watch and came to like as a psychological coping mechanism. It’s Stockholm Syndrome television time.
  • Antique Amber by Crown Valley Brewing Company: In Dear Mixed Six, a seemingly innocent question about S’mores sends one of the hosts into an enraged fugue state.
  • Christmas Ale by Schlafly Brewing Company: Finally Drunk Enough, Spence and Caleb provide a loving read of the Singularity and our boy RAY-K.

Episode 1: The Dream of Deducting Our Booze

On The Mixed Six, we drink six beers and have six conversations. It’s a variety show that slurs its speech, and this is the very first episode. Let us know what you think in the comments.

  • Mother’s Brewing Company’s Imperial Three Blind Mice: In Professional Drinking, Spence and Caleb talk about how this is all a tax dodge for their alcoholism.
  • The Green Flash’s Passionfruit Kicker: In Dissecting Our Fun, we geek out about the game Potion Explosion and the rarity of perfect information games
  • Deshutes Jubeale: ‘Tis the season for the Armchair Directors to argue about our Top 5 Christmas movies
  • Mother’s Brewing Company’s Backyard Wheat: Spence, the Sportsplainer, educates Caleb and Ross about field goal percentages at Mile High Stadium
  • Boulevard’s Snow and Tell: In Binge Binger, we lay it all on the line and open up about our guiltiest TV pleasures.
  • Sierra Nevada’s Narwhal: In the segment Drunk Enough, as if fueling up for just such an occasion, Spence and Caleb discuss if it’s even possible to defeat cognitive dissonance and how it’s done.


  1. I can See it by DarkSunn
  2. Siesta by Jahzzar
  3. Islamatronic Cantillation by The Orientalist
  4. Sorry by Comfort Fit
  5. Autumn Woes by Ryan Little
  6. Ghost Dance by Kevin MacLeod
  7. Power Trip by Ryan Little

Welcome to The Mixed Six

Hi all! Welcome to The Mixed Six Podcast. Consider this the culmination of countless random conversations, hours of gaming, and years of intentional liver damage come to life at Ross Payton’s kitchen table.

On this podcast, Caleb and Spencer (with the assistance and occasional wisdom from Producer Ross) consume and rate a mixed six-pack of beers (get it, mixed six?) while discussing a variety of topics, including movies, games, and the deep philosophical questions of our time.

You can find each episode here or on iTunes, and feel free to support us on Patreon as soon as we go live to gain additional content and actively influence the content of the show.

Thanks, in advance, for listening and supporting!


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