Board games. Beer. Pop culture. And a little drunken philosophy.

Tag: Armchair Director

The Mixed Six takes the bold and controversial stance that movies are neat. In Armchair Director, we bravely present this view.

Ep. 14: This Might Be a Love Glove

Greetings little podcast kittens. Episode 14 is here to groom your ears. If you want all six beers, hit us up on the Patreon. If not, thanks for listening anyway and please rate and review on Itunes.

Be sure to note our Mixed Six Video Contest: if you cut some of our funniest/most appealing moments into a short YouTube video we can use to promote the podcast, we will refund the winning video’s Patreon contributions for ONE WHOLE YEAR. Send all entries to The contest goes on until we get a winner, so get editing if you want in on this action and beat the competition.

Ballast Brewing Company Sea Rose Tart Cherry Wheat Ale: In Dissecting Our Fun, we talk about the neat little place Machi Kuro has cut out for itself between Monopoly and Settlers of Catan.

Evil Twin Brewing’s No Hero: In Getting Lit(erature), we provide some tips for separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the glut of How-To books.

Defiance Brewing Co. Fuzzy Knuckles: Caleb is the one with a Travel Hangover this week. He discusses the many beers of our nation’s capital.

Vieille Provision Saison Dupont: In Ask Mixed Six, we ponder whether or not a nerdy obsession has to come about naturally or through cultivation.

Bell’s Cherry Stout: The Armchair Director jumps the gun as we talk about how amazing that IT trailer looked and talk about what a remake needs to do to work.

On the Patreon

Against the Grain Brewery Pile of Face: We were asked about our Top 3 Most Unfounded Fears, and we figured we should at least make our many enemies climb the paywall before doing the opposition research for them.

Ep. 12: Time Travelin’

Welcome to episode 12! We’re entertaining diplomat Baz from the untamed wilds of the West, and he came bearing gifts. Here’s hoping you enjoy our three-way pontificate. As always, if you want the full version, don’t forget to check us out on Patreon. Even if you’re not in for the full-six, we thank you for your attention. Please don’t forget to rate and review on iTunes.

1. Stillwater Gose Gone Wild:  In Dissecting Our Fun, we test our limits discussing just how many times the same game mechanic can be reskinned.

2. Roughtail Brewing Company Polar Eclipse: We cram three into the Armchair Director this week and discuss our top 3 Time Travel movies.

3. Clown Shoes Brewing Undead Party Crasher: COM Corner is all about Expectations Violations Theory. The hosts each share their most bemoaned example.

4. Roughtail Little Blue Pils: Ready Player Drunk examines the video game mechanical changes that had the biggest impact on gameplay.

5. Anthem Brewing Company’s Domestique: In Ask Mixed Six, someone wanted to know our tips for entering a management position…for some reason. We tried our best to answer.

On the Patreon

6. Artisan Ales Prairie Bomb!: Finally Drunk Enough, we get into why we knock them back in the first place.

Ep. 9: The Remake After the Flop that was Ep. 9

Welcome to episode 9 REDUX! This is your five-beer freecast version. For that sixth beer goodness, hit us up on Patreon.

Bell’s Brewery Robust Porter: We Dissect Our Fun with Dragonwood and the lure of simplicity in design.

Ommegang Brewery’s Rare Vos Amber Ale : In Getting Lit(erature), Spence and Caleb discuss the best bad books and book series they enjoy in spite of better judgement.

Stillwater Artisanal’s Untraditional Stout: In Armchair Director, we lament the Top 3 flops that didn’t deserve the economic shame they suffered.

Prairie Artisan Ales’ Prairie Weisse : In COM Corner, we get into why this is the second episode 9 we’ve recorded, and why we ended up ditching the first take.

Urban Chestnut Schnickelfritz: In Jukebox in Back, we stock our Jukebox on the desert island with our Top 3 bug-out bag albums.

On the Patreon

White River Brewing Co.’s Coconut Rye Porter: Finally Drunk Enough, Spence and Caleb wonder if there is any cultural value to be had from all that debating they do every week.

Ep. 7: Like the 47 Ronin Committing Seppuku on My Tongue


What’s up! It’s episode 7 time! This is our first episode planned with patron feedback. If you want to get in on voting for floating segments, suggesting beers, asking questions, and dictating sub-topics, be sure to check us out at Patreon.

  1. Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout: We start things off with a patron-suggested beer and a patron-suggested topic! This week’s Armchair Director has Spence and Caleb enthusiastically agreeing to the top three MCU films.
  2. Perennial Artisan Ale’s Von Pamplemousse: Some sick, Jigsaw-esque patron demanded Ask Mixed Six be about a choice between saving one beer and wiping one from the face of earth. Spencer and Caleb do their best to survive in this hellish thought experiment. 
  3. Stillwater Artisanal (Stratford CT) Stillwater Extra Dry: In Dissecting Our Fun, we discuss the conundrum of co-op boardgames. Also, Caleb almost chokes to death on the mic and the crew makes a new rule. 
  4. Weihenstephaner’s Hefe Weissbier: In Getting Lit, Spence and Caleb discuss books everyone is supposed to love and they really, really don’t. 
  5. Goose Island Four Star Pils: In Nerdsplainer, the patrons want to hear about the shifting political landscape of “gamers.” Producer Ross and Caleb try their best to help Spencer navigate a minefield of a topic. 

For Patrons only…

  • O’Fallon’s Hemp Hop Rye: Finally Drunk Enough, we talk about gift cards, Adam Smith, the myth of homo economicus, and the oh-so-sexy topic of behavioral economics. 

Episode 6: That Green Bottle Should Have Been a Red Flag

What’s up?! It’s time again for our five-beer, free-cast for Episode 6. We recorded this one right after episode 5, so language and concepts start off a little…slippery. If you want to hear our 6th (aka 12th!) beer rambling, it’s up on the Patreon. Wanna talk beer with us? Hit us up @themixedsix or in the comments below.

  1. Lucky Buddha by Cheerday Brewing: We mix it up by starting things off with Armchair Director. The hosts share their dream remake and director combo, then Spencer is absurdly wrong.
  2. Grimbergen Double-Ambree: In Dissecting Our Fun, we talk about Concept and the amazing feat of making charades fun again.
  3. Urban Chestnut’s Revolution Series #1 Winged Nut: In Jukebox in Back, we bare our shame by sharing our top 3 musical guilty pleasures.
  4. Coop Ale Works F5 IPA: In Asked Mixed Six, a listener want’s to know how the hosts manage to write lengthy projects. We share some tips on tricking yourself into typing.
  5. Breckenridge Brewing’s Nitro Vanilla Porter: In a new segment called This Was a Mistake, we talk about a mistake other than drinking throughout the entire podcast. In this episode, that mistake is one most of you are lucky enough to be unfamiliar with: Branson.

Behind the Paywall

6. Mother’s Brewing Company’s Winter Grind: Finally Drunk Enough, we talk about the trap of authenticity and the danger of using it to measure your self-concept. Then we pass out, authentically, at the end of a grueling double recording.

Episode 5: Tears for a Pig

Greetings! Here’s our five-beer free-cast for Episode 5. If you want more, it’s up on the Patreon. Got questions? Hit us up @themixedsix or in the comments below.

  1. Ogletoberfest by Anthem Brewing: In Dissecting Our Fun, we talk about how absolutely floored we are by the innovative initiative mechanic in Tokaido.
  2. Sierra Nevada’s Otra Vez: In Sportsplainer, Spencer tries to educate the nerds on the inscrutable mysteries of the college BCS system and why Condi Rice decides the football games now.
  3. Public House Brewing’s Courtship Cranberry Ale: In Binge Binger, the whole crew shares it’s odd love affair with The Profit and wonder what a CNBC reality show could have done to sink the hook so deep.
  4. Stiegl’s Grapefruit Radler: In Armchair Director, Spencer and Caleb lay down the cinematic gauntlets used to gauge one’s potential for friendship.
  5. Springfield Brewing Company’s Walnut Street: In a brand-new segment, Living With Humans, Spencer and Caleb share their oh-so-learned perspectives on whether marriage means anything anymore.

Behind the Paywall

6. Alpine Beer Company’s Duet: In Drunk Enough, we talk about performance anxiety (not the sexy kind). What is it? How do you get past it? Should you feel it more often?

Episode 4: Shaft as a Grief Counselor

Shut yo mouth! (Not really, we love you all) Welcome to Episode 4! If you’re in for the long-haul and want a full, six-beer podcast, head on over to our Patreon and help us out with a donation. If you spent all your money on beer, we certainly understand. Here’s what to expect in the five-beer freecast.

  1. Schlafly’s Pumpkin Ale: In this week’s Dissecting Our Fun, we talk about Alchemists and the way technology can enhance a boardgame without replacing it.
  2. Backyard Beer Peach Tart by Mother’s Brewing: In Armchair Director, things get personal for Spence and Caleb when they talk about films forever corrupted by memory.
  3. Blue Moon’s Cocoa Brown Ale: In our new literature segment, Getting Lit(rature), we discuss if Cixin Liu’s brilliant The Three-Body Problem hails a return to Asimovian sci-fi.
  4. Farmer’s Market Citrus Gose Lager by Sundwerk Brewing: In Jukebox in the Back, we kick off our new music segment by warning you about bands we’d prefer you leave off the playlist.
  5. Oktoberfest Marzen Lager by Left Hand Brewing: In Asked Mixed Six, we answer the questions “What movie universe do you want to be pulled into, ala Last Action Hero?”

Behind the Paywall

6. Boulevard Brewing’s Ginger-Lemon Radler: Finally Drunk Enough, we debate the ethics of punctuality and fail to suppress the deep rage lateness brings up in us.

Episode 3: Alcoholic Trust Fall

Howdy! Episode 3 is our first episode on the new Patreon model. We’ll keep dropping free, five-beer episodes here, but if you want that heady sixth beer stuff, stop by our Patreon and donate at the Last Call level. We’d really appreciate it. If you have questions, hit us up at or @themixedsix on Twitter.

  1. Holiday Cheer by Shiner: In Ready Player Drunk, we talk about the unique tragedy of being trapped in a videogame Skinner Box from which you don’t which to escape.
  2. Pineapple Sculpin by Ballast Point: In Binge Binger, Caleb and Spence compare notes on fantastic shows that outshine their silly premises.
  3. Victory at Sea by Ballast Point: We Dissect the Fun of Mice and Mystics, a superb game in the fine tradition of tricking your friends into playing an RPG.
  4. Blackberry Gose by O’dell Brewing: In COM Corner, we make sure Spencer’s PhD doesn’t go to waste by talking about the five geek social fallacies.
  5. The Cowboy by Evil Twin Brewing: In this week’s Armchair Director, we fight like men over our top 3 romantic comedies.

Behind the Paywall

6. Myer Lemons Lager by Anchor Brewing: Finally Drunk Enough, we debate the role of the public library in 21st century society.

Episode 2: S’mores Rage

Welcome to episode 2! Be sure to check us out on Patreon. This is the last preview episode before we start dropping extra content on our beloved patrons.

  • Oatmeal Stout by Free State Brewing Company AND El Gose by Avery: In this week’s Dissecting Our Fun, Spence and Caleb talk about Cargo Noir and the importance of accessibility in games.
  • Aunt Sally by Lagunitas: The Armchair Directors compare notes on their bottom 5 superhero films and argue about what it truly means to suck.
  • Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout by Rogue Brewing: In Nerdsplainer, Caleb sees how many disbelieving guffaws he can provoke from Spence by explaining the evolution of SpeedRunning.
  • Tell-Tale Tart by Boulevard Brewing Company: In Binge Binger, the crew talks about shows they were forced to watch and came to like as a psychological coping mechanism. It’s Stockholm Syndrome television time.
  • Antique Amber by Crown Valley Brewing Company: In Dear Mixed Six, a seemingly innocent question about S’mores sends one of the hosts into an enraged fugue state.
  • Christmas Ale by Schlafly Brewing Company: Finally Drunk Enough, Spence and Caleb provide a loving read of the Singularity and our boy RAY-K.

Episode 1: The Dream of Deducting Our Booze

On The Mixed Six, we drink six beers and have six conversations. It’s a variety show that slurs its speech, and this is the very first episode. Let us know what you think in the comments.

  • Mother’s Brewing Company’s Imperial Three Blind Mice: In Professional Drinking, Spence and Caleb talk about how this is all a tax dodge for their alcoholism.
  • The Green Flash’s Passionfruit Kicker: In Dissecting Our Fun, we geek out about the game Potion Explosion and the rarity of perfect information games
  • Deshutes Jubeale: ‘Tis the season for the Armchair Directors to argue about our Top 5 Christmas movies
  • Mother’s Brewing Company’s Backyard Wheat: Spence, the Sportsplainer, educates Caleb and Ross about field goal percentages at Mile High Stadium
  • Boulevard’s Snow and Tell: In Binge Binger, we lay it all on the line and open up about our guiltiest TV pleasures.
  • Sierra Nevada’s Narwhal: In the segment Drunk Enough, as if fueling up for just such an occasion, Spence and Caleb discuss if it’s even possible to defeat cognitive dissonance and how it’s done.


  1. I can See it by DarkSunn
  2. Siesta by Jahzzar
  3. Islamatronic Cantillation by The Orientalist
  4. Sorry by Comfort Fit
  5. Autumn Woes by Ryan Little
  6. Ghost Dance by Kevin MacLeod
  7. Power Trip by Ryan Little

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